Saturday, July 20, 2013

Things I Have Discovered So Far:

1)  Every country has it's strays. Trinidad had chickens running everywhere. Barbados has dogs. Scotland has the English. Here in Turkey it's cats. They are everywhere in the restaurant district.  Kind of skinny and they prowl around the tables. But unlike dogs and small children they don't beg , so you have to respect that.

2.) At home the buyer approaches the vendor. Here
 they not only approach you they follow you home.
I would find this approach a little aggressive if they weren't showering you with complements.

3.)  The price is not the price.
I understand that you barter in the markets , but you would think the price to use the government run public bathroom would be set. It is not and that too can be bartered.

4.)  Everyone is an entrepreneur. Today I saw several people standing on the median of a four lane highway. One was selling sunglasses to the cars whizzing  by , the other guy was selling batteries.  Little children no older than 7 are walking the streets selling cold bottles of water. And thank God they are. Its almost as hot as Ontario here.

5.)  The men keep yelling at me. It's in Turkish so sometimes I forget its directed at me. No idea what they are wound up about. They could be  screaming "get out of my country !!!!" or "I want to take you home to my mother". Who knows. I've come to realize I can't tell anger from excitement.

6.)  The food is yummy yummy yummy :)

1 comment:

  1. Ann! These men are scaring me from here!!!!! :-) Be safe!! And keep writing so we know you're safe!
