Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Man with the Bleeding Tatoo

This happened four nights ago but I havent had a chance to write. Been very busy:)

I wandered down to the waterfront last night with Jack as I heard a market was miraculously set up every night after dark.  With my daytime experiences thus far I  hadn't the courage prior to now.  But with Jack from California by my side I was feeling much better.  The open area where during daytime you boarded the ferries was completely transformed into a giant party of people selling their wares.  Patio lanterns and Christmas lights (wait a minute -if there is no Christmas here what do they call the lights) were strung up everywhere.   Almost everything under the sun was for sale -socks , underwear , children's toys , children , corn , fish , scarves, shoes , shoes that had fallen off of people -it was fascinating.   Jack and I went to cross to the other side of the bridge. To do this we had to go through a tunnel. As we entered the underground bypass tunnel I heard a buzzing sound. There to my right was a man sitting in a chair , cigarette dangling out of his mouth , shirt torn open , left breast bared and blood running all down the front of him. He had a bandanna tied around his head and minus the parrot he could have passed for a pirate. Standing on a chair crouched over top of him was a little Asian man with a tatoo gun
He had set up a little fly by night tatoo parlour in the underground  pass.  How could you not stare? ? I could see the Hep A, B and C on the needle. I stared too long and the little man jumped off the chair and he told me "five minute, give five minute and you next ".
Needless to say I got out of there quickly. 
On our way back to the hotel Jack asked me if I knew the name of the red headed girl on the trip. I told him I was bad with names -to which he replied " no kidding , my name is Jason".

So far I have called Anket "Ackmed" , Monilla "Moniqua" and Jason "Jack" I am on a roll here.

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