Saturday, August 3, 2013

More Toilets

These stone toilets are over 2000yrs  old and are the public washrooms in Ephesus. They were communal, anyone could use them. You just sat down and chatted away with your neighbor as you went about your business.  When finished you cleaned your backside with a sponge. When finished with the sponge you tossed it in a bucket, where it was some poor sods job to collect the used sponges and go wash them so they could be used again later. That's not on my list of top ten ancient civilization jobs. 

The other pictures are of a modern Turkish toilet found on the side of the road.  This one cost one lira to use - but what a sensory overload when you stepped inside.  Every visible surface was covered in a stuffed animal or some kind of brightly colored trinket.  It was tough to keep your focus in there to go about your business.  It was an ADD nightmare. 
Turkish toilets.  Always a surprise.

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